
Nina Senicar Acting Lifestyle Headshots Los Angeles

Courtney and Ambika | Headshot Photography Pasadena

Rachel | Blogger Lifestyle Headshots Burbank CA

Ali | Graduation Pictures Los Angeles

Moses | Burbank Acting Headshots
Moses is a great guy, an aspiring drama/comic actor. I did his Los Angeles acting headshots in my neighborhood in Burbank. We used a combination of natural light paired with flashes. We used a shallow depth of field and a natural background that was easy to set up and flexible.

Daniel | Acting Headshots Los Angeles
I’ve enjoyed watching Daniel grow as an actor. Even as I’ve grown as a portrait and headshot photographer, I’ve seen him grow from a kid to disciplined young adult. Recently he’s gotten into very good shape and seems so healthy. I loved the opportunity to take some acting headshots for him right before making the trip down to Los Angeles! Congratulations on your amazing shoulder muscles, Daniel!