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This wedding was so beautiful. I love working as a Los Angeles wedding photographer, and Orcutt Ranch is definitely an easy venue to shoot. Regardless of time of day, there’s typically a great spot for photos, unlike some venues! I really enjoyed working with all the vendors there, so I asked the couple about the other vendors.


A and J asked me to do Hollywood engagement photos for them quite awhile go. After that, they got married in Italy, had various successes, and created another human. I love seeing couples I photographed awhile go. I love watching them grow, love each other, and I love helping document that process. One day, in my dreams, I will be old, and my couples will be old, and we will go through an album of all the adventures we went on together to record their lives together. *sigh*


This tops my list as one of the most creative, fun weddings I’ve ever gotten to photograph. It was funky and unique and in the middle of a natural wonderland. Nothing not to love. I love being a Joshua Tree wedding photographer!

Highlights: quilt square guest book, pre-wedding bridal shoot in Joshua Tree, so many family and friends helping out, historic location, super sweet bride and groom!


I LOVE photographing weddings in Yosemite. Definitely some of my favorite light in the entire world. This article will cover basic planning and how to get a permit to have a wedding in Yosemite National Park. I tell clients this information all the time, so I figured I should put it into a blog.


These two are adorable! They wanted a simple wedding but also wanted to get good photos and video of it, since most of their friends and family couldn’t be there. So we started out at the courthouse, they got married, then we wandered around Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive! Then they got celebratory shakes from Erewhon!


These two decided to elope instead of paying for a traditional wedding. Then they decided to get good photos on their “honeymoon” in Los Angeles! We started of at Trevor’s alma mater, UCLA, then headed over to downtown Beverly Hills, then finished off at the Santa Monica Pier! It was a great tour of iconic spots in LA and spots that were significant to the two of them!


Getting married is actually not as complex as I thought it would be. Changing your name is very inconvenient, but it’s really easy to get a legal marriage in the state of California.

First, get your marriage license. Then, have the ceremony. Then, just make sure someone returns the marriage license to the clerk (usually your officiant/pastor takes care of this). One week later, you can order a certified copy of your license (sometimes you can order one ahead of time). That’s what you can use to change your name (if you’re doing that).

How to get a marriage license

You have to show up in person, together, to get your license. You have to bring your ID (driver’s license or passport). If you’ve been married before, you have to bring proof that other person died or you dissolved the marriage somehow. A few counties require birth certificates. You’ll also need to know your parents’ names (including mom’s maiden name), and where they were born.

Where to go

You will usually need to get your license in the same state where you’ll get married. Otherwise, you can go to any County Clerk in that state. Some offices require an appointment, so just check before you head out.

When to Get Your Marriage License

You’ll need your marriage license before your wedding. In California, you can go in and get your license up to 90 days ahead of time. There is no waiting period, so you can get married immediately after getting your marriage license if you want.

How to Have a Legal Wedding Ceremony

You can get married at the courthouse with a judge or justice of the peace right after you pick up your marriage license. This does require an appointment and a small fee ($35 last I checked). You can also be married by a priest, pastor, rabbi, or authorized persons of any religious denomination; judges, magistrates, current Members of Congress, California Constitutional Officers and State Legislators; and some local elected officials. Officiant must be at least 18 years old.

A friend can also officiate by getting ordained online. This requires some notice, but it’s not hard to do at all. Universal Life Church is a very common one. I’m an ordained officiant, as well.

Your officiant is responsible for walking you through your vows (however that looks), filling out and signing a portion of the marriage license, and returning it to the county clerk’s office. You do not sign or fill anything out at this point (everything will have been filled out when you picked up your license). You or your officiant has to return your license to the clerk within 10 days.

Do I Need Witnesses for a Wedding in California?

No, as long as you get a “Confidential Marriage License.” A regular wedding license requires one witness.

How to Get a Copy of My Marriage License

Most counties allow you to order a copy of your marriage license online. That’s the best/easiest way. You can also get one in person (same-day, typically), or call. There’s also a way to probably mail in the verification you’d need to get one through the mail, but that’s an ancient way of doing it.

That’s it! You’re legally married and have proof!


Janika and Kenny wanted to get married in a beautiful place, simply. So they contacted me with the dates they’d be in Southern California and we set a date together. We met in downtown Venice Beach and Liz Babinski, an amazing officiant, met us there! We also met with JohnMark, one of our amazing partner videographers! Then we wandered around for awhile, explored the Venice Canals, then regrouped at Venice Beach for the ceremony. It was simple and beautiful.


If you’ve followed my work for any portion of time, you’ll know I love shooting engagement photos at El Matador State Beach. It has some great rock formations, natural wildlife, and sunsets. But that also means it’s normally very busy, especially for photographers. I loved shooting Liz and Kyle’s engagement session here! They’re such a beautiful couple and I got to shoot their wedding photos recently, as well!


Engagement photography in LA and especially at El Matador Beach, is always unique. The weather and seasons change and with them, how a place looks. I’ve photographed engagement pictures several times at El Matador, but the sky never quite turned as well as it did for Emilee and Mike. And, of course, although they were nervous, I quickly discovered they were adorable together and I loved their engagement outfits.


I love doing engagement photography in Los Angeles. The weather is usually predictable, the locations are endless, and the people are unique and in love. These two were adorable. So easy to photograph. When I asked them about spots around Los Angeles that were significant to them, they mentioned a little village coffee shop where Zak proposed, and then a nearby beach-cliff area where they liked to hike. So we hit both, right around sunset, and got an amazing set of engagement photos!


These two love each other. Yosemite was in full fall bloom when these two tied the knot. I love being a Yosemite wedding photographer because I get to wander around in all of Yosemite’s moods. And I get to photograph couples on one of the most important days of their lives.


Fall in Yosemite is a risky time to go. The weather makes access to Glacier Point unpredictable. We weren’t able to go up to Glacier Point for Marie and Lane’s wedding, but you wouldn’t know it. We had a beautiful day in the moody clouds. We wandered around Tunnel View, went out to El Capitan meadow, took a nap, then met again for an evening wedding at Yosemite Chapel. I love being a Yosemite wedding photographer!


I love helping plan surprise proposals in Yosemite National Park. Jackson contacted me about it months before, and we set up a plan. Originally, we were going to meet at Glacier Point at sunrise. I was going to be photographing my dog or my husband and just happen to turn my camera at the right moment. Unfortunately, Glacier closed early that year due to weather. I was on my way up there and we agreed to meet at Tunnel View instead. He sent me photos of the two of them so I could recognize them. I advised them on and out-of-the-way spot we could get away from the crowds. On the day of, it was going past their time and I didn’t see them. So I went down to the main area to find them. Jackson instantly recognized me and “happened” to ask about an “out-of-the-way, secluded spot” where they could watch the sunrise. So, still pretending to be a random person, I offered to take them up to my favorite spot. While we clambered over spots, I asked if I could take their photo. When we got to the spot, I set it up so she turned away, then when she turned back around, Jackson was down on one knee. She was so surprised!!


I love doing family photos in LA, especially at Carbon Canyon. I love the challenge of bringing kids out of their shell. Carbon Canyon is really fun because there’s some walking involved, so the kids had something to do. It was kind of a cloudy morning, but it ended up being really beautiful!


Yosemite is quickly becoming one of my favorite places. I love meeting couples up there and being their Yosemite elopement photographer. I met these two for their ceremony, then we went out to Taft Point afterwards to take in the sunset. Yosemite was a bit smoky, which is sad, but it turned out a beautiful sunset.


For those of you who have looked through my website, you know I don’t do a ton of downtown LA engagement photography. But when these two told me about their relationship and how they had grown there, it wasn’t even a question. We started off at the Walt Disney Concert Hall doing the first engagement photos, and then wandered downtown in a route I planned while on a film shoot earlier that month.


I have six siblings, each one better than the last. My two sisters, Pattie and Grace, came down to Los Angeles to visit with me, and we went to Yosemite together. It was a beautiful, all-to-brief, trip. Family isn’t always made up of people you’d choose, but regardless of whether or not you choose them, they’re yours forever. Nothing can separate you. In my case, though, I love the wandering, fearless conversations I can have with my sisters. We don’t always agree, but it doesn’t really matter.


On September 2nd, 2021, a boy and a girl hiked into the Yosemite wilderness and came out husband and wife. I got to photograph Stephanie and Alistair’s Yosemite elopement portraits. The day after they eloped, we met at Glacier point right as the sun began to rise and captured their love in camera.


One of the things I firmly believe, in life, and in the wedding photography industry, is a sort of kinship. We’re all put here on this earth to help each other out. So when Nick Mueller (of the incredible Nick Mueller Photography) reached out to a small photography community, I offered to help. He had a wedding coming up and, for covid reasons, wasn’t comfortable shooting the reception portion of the day. So we agreed on a fee, he got final approval from the mom, and we were all set!


If you take one thing away from this post, I want you to take this away: go do a Griffith Observatory elopement. When you do, go elope at sunrise. Go elope at Griffith Observatory at sunrise. Morning is pretty much the only sensible time to have any privacy at a popular spot in California. As a southern California elopement photographer, I’ve learned this the hard way.


Kevork and Melody are a unique couple. Kevork is a tall, gangly guy who loves his car. Melody is a graceful girl with delicate fingers and a gorgeous mass of thick, dark hair. As soon as they got in front of the camera, the engagement photos started going amazing. We did engagement photos at Lake Silverwood, California. I live near there, so I had scouted some locations ahead of time and knew exactly where I wanted to take them.


Any chance I get to be a photographer at Yosemite National Park, I will take it. The light in Yosemite has a quality I’ve seen very few places. It’s different. As an elopement photographer, I wander a lot. Most of the time, I’ll take days before or days after to play in the park, take some self-portraits, and breathe.


Having your photo taken can be scary. My mom photographed all of us seven kids every year, so I’ve had so much experience being photographed, and now, being the photographer. During a family photo session in Los Angeles, I do everything I can to help make you all comfortable. But there are a few things you can do and bring that make the process smoother!


After much going back and forth, these two international kids decided it was time to get married. So although we were planning a big Los Angeles wedding last year, it never happened. But I am their Los Angeles wedding photographer, so I offered to do an elopement announcement session instead! I’m so glad they took me up on it! We went down to the beach and caught one of the most spectacular sunsets I’ve seen in quite awhile.


I finished off 2020 with two of the most amazing weddings I’ve ever been honored to photograph. This was the first. Victoria and Matt have a special camp up in Julian where they wanted to be married. They booked me for their Julian wedding photography long before Covid started, but proceeded with their wedding with cautions in place (and nobody got sick, yay!).


I don’t believe in structured meetups and forced relationships. I believe God puts people in your path. If you’re in the right place, you slip towards each other, encourage each other, and make each other stronger. Maybe that means I believe in falling in love with friends. Somebody at the wedding asked how Tiffany and I met. I couldn’t at first think of it. We had cheered each other on via social media before I even came to be an LA wedding photographer. I had never met her until the wedding, but she’s one of those people that shines a beacon of pure light that is pretty irresistible and hard to miss. So when she asked if I could photograph her Mount Baldy wedding, I never hesitated.


One of the most common things you’ll quickly discover is that there are different photography styles. So a bride (or groom) might be asking themselves, “What is a photography style and how do I know which wedding photography style I want?” Also, does it really matter? Since wedding photography costs so much, I would say yes!


I love doing senior photos for graduations in Los Angeles. I love the significance of the moment. And this girl, this girl got THREE degrees, all in really smart things! And… graduated right after COVID hit. So she had a virtual graduation out of Boise State University and decided to splurge on some amazing graduation photography. I loved getting to know her and the people who supported her through the journey.


I love doing set photography in Los Angeles.  The comraderie of working with a few dozen other creative who (in the best sets) are absolute crazy nerds who love what they do is so fun. This was a passion project by a young man who was in the corporate world. When covid hit, he said it made him realize that he didn’t just want to play the game for the rest of his life. So he’s taking the leap and filmed a scene for his movie! I was so proud to be able to assist on this set, photograph, and also be a boom operator. Despite almost freezing temperatures and almost hitting people with the pole because of the tight space, the entire set was a great group of talented people.


Smitha and Arjun got married at the Malibu Hindu Temple in Los Angeles. It was a beautiful venue. Despite coronavirus, these two got together a group of their closest local friends and tied the knot. My husband and I lived in India for several years after we first got married, so Indian tradition and Indian wedding photography in LA is something I’ve really enjoyed. 


Jenna is such an amazing planner. Which meant we met over a year before the wedding. She’s one of those beautiful people with a good mix of compassion and strength. Right from the start I knew I would enjoy being her Boise wedding photographer. Although I am primarily a Los Angeles wedding photographer, Jenna booked both Matt and I before we moved. And even with all the crazy Covid-19 stuff, Jenna and Cody had such a gorgeous, meaningful wedding day. (P.S. I also got to do their engagement photos at Table Rock, which were absolutely some of my favorite of the summer!).


I was in a sleepy haze as I drove down the deserted highway. It was the pre-dawn quiet of a city that doesn’t wake up until it’s time to go to work. I gathered together my backpack of gear. For intimate sunrise elopement at El Matador Beach, I typically carry a prime 35mm, some OCF, a trigger, a stand, and a long lens, along with my trusty, beautiful Canon 5D Mark III.


Elizabeth and Robb’s plan had to change slightly when Covid shut everything down. I’m so happy they still decided to prioritize photos, though. I was still able to be their Santa Monica wedding photographer. They cut down their guest list significantly, changed their venue, and ended up getting married at Tongva Park in Santa Monica. The park is a well-kept secret, something you pass often without realizing it’s even a park. It’s just steps away from the Santa Monica Pier. But it wasn’t crowded and we had one of those amazing, golden sunsets.


I am the fastest Los Angeles wedding photographer I know, when it comes to giving photos back to clients. I always edit full weddings within the week. Most of the time, and especially for smaller weddings, I have the photos ready within 24-48 hours. Many of my photographer friends shake their heads and wonder how I do it, and even more, why. Over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about my approach. So, here’s how I edit wedding photos within 24 hours, and lastly, why.


When these two decided to get married, they had a choice: spend a huge chunk of money on a traditional wedding, or put that money towards home improvements and have a smaller backyard wedding. Especially when Covid hit, their decision was made for them. But look!!! Needless to say, they made the right decision. If you’ve followed my work for any period of time, you know that backyard wedding photography is near and dear to my heart. I love the simplicity of a smaller wedding (having had one myself). I love photographing them, especially. That’s the only thing I regret skimping on for my own backyard wedding, and I love that these two took the time and planned for good backyard wedding photography.


This year has been crazy. It’s 2020. When Covid-19 first hit, it severely limited or cancelled dozens of planned weddings. Most couples decided to wait and see what would happen. After a few months, more and more couples were faced with a choice: cut the guest list severely, elope, or put your wedding on hold indefinitely. Indoor weddings were almost impossible altogether. As a wedding and Yosemite elopement photographer, I started seeing couples look around for alternatives.


I think I’ll start a new thing. Adventure engagement sessions. Because this was a blast, despite the unexpected high tide. It helped that S and D were troopers, despite getting almost instantly soaked. S’s gorgeous hair held up, she was fine with her dress getting waterlogged, and we came out with some gorgeous sunset engagement photos from Victoria Beach. All credit goes to these two troopers, who were happy, smiling, and unruffled despite getting hit with wave after wave.


These two are gold. When Elizabeth threw her heart into planning this engagement shoot, her excitement was contagious. I typically do a lot more romantic/natural style engagement photography, even in LA. But I always love playing with engagement pictures. We get the time and flexibility to play, versus on a wedding day, when we’re a lot more pressed for time. So, as you can probably tell, we had an absolute blast. Even with the smoke-clogged air, we came out with some of my favorite photos of my career.


From the moment I met Mary, I knew we would get along well. We went out for coffee and ended up barely talking about wedding plans at all. She has the best smile, and when I saw her and Carlos together, I instantly understood the attraction. They adore each other. On one of their dates Carlos was teaching Mary to skateboard. When she took a bad spill he forced her to go to the hospital, where she found out she had cancer. But because she came in when she did, they were able to operate on it and she was fine. So he saved her life.


“OMG WE LOVE THEM!!! Dan keeps saying, ‘we definitely chose the right photographer!'” Stephanie sent me this right after they saw their first Victoria Beach engagement photos. Parking at Victoria Beach for engagement photos is always tough, so when Stephanie and Daniel got stuck without parking, I got a little worried. However, we had planned ahead and had enough light to get THE MOST PERFECT engagement photos I’ve ever gotten at Victoria Beach and the Pirate Tower. They really speak for themselves. Stephanie wore a gorgeous deep red chiffon dress and Daniel was perfectly matched in a simple, crisp shirt and slacks.


C contacted me on FaceBook a little while ago asking if I’d be up for a short-notice mini, backyard wedding in Santa Clarita. I have a huge soft spot for backyard weddings, I had one myself. And C’s sweet conversation convinced me this would be a wedding of dreams. C and E loved each other so much. It was obvious from the first moment. I peeked into C’s getting ready room and found E had slipped a note under her door, saying that he loved her to infinity. These little moments are reasons I love photographing backyard weddings. When the production is stripped away, you get to the bare-bones love of the day. The entire family pitched in, decorated the whole house, and invited me to sit down for delicious food. It was amazing perfection.


This is Will! I got to do his acting headshots in Los Angeles after my husband met him on a movie set. Doesn’t he look like General Shang from Mulan?!? We are planning on doing more soon. I only had about 30 minutes to do these. Will is an amazing young man with an amazing story. He has overcome so many odds, including poverty and an accident that rendered him, a student athlete, paralyzed. You can find out more on his website, Empowered by Will. He’s an inspirational speaker and teacher now!


I love doing newborn photography in Los Angeles. In-home sessions are my favorite, because they lead to less stress for everyone involved. Both baby and parents have everything they need, and nobody has to disrupt their routine to drive to a studio or location for stressful photos. Jessica and I had been going back and forth with various plans for a session for months, and finally settled on newborn photos soon after baby was born. I was so happy to meet these two new parents and capture these memories for them!


I love marriage. I think marriage is valuable, regardless of how the wedding has to happen. Simple or complex, the wedding doesn’t matter as much as the two people entering into the marriage together. Which is one reason I was so excited when Quique and Sahana asked me to photograph their Covid-19 elopement at the Honda Center. Because this will be a day and a time we will tell our kids about. And when there are photos, it’s so much more of a story.


I knew from the start that I would love working with Cadie and David. We met at a local coffee shop and they pretty much hired me then and there to do their engagement photos in Malibu and their wedding photography next year at Calamigos Ranch. And then they asked if they could bring their dogs to their engagement session, and I fell in love just a little bit more.


These two are so special! I felt an instant connection with her and her entire family. We took an RV up to Mount Laguna to take their engagement photos. It was a beautiful day, we had a picnic, walked up and down hills, and danced through flowering fields. It was perfection.


As with almost all the weddings this summer, Masha and Nate’s was put on hold due to Coronavirus. However, they couldn’t wait, and decided to hold a tiny backyard celebration anyway. They picked up the pieces of their original wedding, did a lot of DIY, made masks, and invited the people closest to them who weren’t as vulnerable. I love photographing backyard weddings. They are near and dear to my heart, since I had one, too.


Quite awhile ago, Liba and Sasha contacted me about doing photography for their grand Los Angeles wedding. Then, 2020 hit, and nobody was sure what to do. These two decided to get married anyway, and needless to say, it was a good choice. I loved photographing for their backyard microwedding. I’m so proud they decided to get married anyway. Maybe that’s a weird response, but I’m a huge fan of love, and finding your spouse, and marrying them, regardless of how much money you have. That’s one reason I love offering affordable wedding packages and alternatives.


This little family was the best. Look at the babies! Twins! I love doing in-home sessions with new babies and parents. It’s much more relaxing for everyone. Babies and parents have everything they need, and I find the babies are generally happier, especially if there are older children, as well. This family fed me pizza, which, if you know me, means I’ll be loyal to them forever. Their home was beautiful, lots of natural light, and mom had an amazing vision for what she wanted for her baby photos in LA.


Emily hired me over a year ago to photograph their wedding. Then coronavirus happened and they had to put the breaks on everything. But they decided they wanted to get married anyway. And I was so happy to be their Los Angeles elopement photographer. My deal with all of this going on is that I’ll photograph an elopement or portrait session for the couple for the price of their deposit. And I was so honored to be their photographer and witness their union. 


Amman contacted me early in the year, looking for someone to photograph his surprise proposal to his girlfriend. I was SO EXCITED. So we went back and forth for a little while, came up with a cover story, got rained out the day we were supposed to do it, rescheduled, came up with another story, and then we went!


Back in December these two booked me for their Los Angeles engagement photography. We figured out a spot and met for sunset at the beach. As you can probably tell, we had so much fun taking these photos. They hadn’t really taken couple photos before, but they were willing to do anything I suggested and, of course, it helps that they’re both gorgeous!


Whenever my husband and I are watching a wedding movie or TV show, and a soon-to-be married couple cries, “This is OUR wedding!” we laugh. Because most of the time, weddings start out being about you two getting married, and end up trying to make dozens of other people happy. As a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I get to see a lot of weddings and get close to many brides in the months preceding the wedding. So here’s my advice to you:


I want to preface this by saying that I think all true professionals deserve to be paid for their work. Even if it’s an art, if someone puts time and effort and skill into creating something for you, they deserve to be compensated in some way. Engagement pictures in Los Angeles (and simply living in Los Angeles) are expensive. But it’s also expensive for the photographer, who spends hours both before and after the shoot preparing, then editing, as well as coordinating with you. 


These two are perfect and weird in all the best ways. They compliment each other in a way that’s beautiful to see. Kim is a beautiful, sensible girl who laughs easily, and Bilal is an academic with his head in the clouds. They’re both nerds. I loved being their Los Angeles wedding photographer. I also got to do their engagement photos late last year, which was so much fun.


This girl is amazing, so gorgeous, and talented. I’d always wanted to photograph her, and so one day some of my students and I went out for a fun day in downtown and took thousands of photos of her. One of my ambitions is to be a dance photographer in LA, and this is why.


These two are perfect for each other. And guess what, the bride MADE SO MUCH of the wedding! She’s an extreme DIYer and everything turned out so beautifully. I was honored to photograph their Los Angeles wedding. We were able to take photos beforehand, and the Ceremony and Reception was at the Grace E. Cummings Lodge in Elysian Park.


Courtney, Ambika and I met through a local Facebook group for fashion professionals. We were looking to expand our portfolio and do some fun fashion and headshot photography. These were just a couple of my favorites from the headshots we did in Pasadena. I also got to try out my new strobes and softboxes, which work amazing and super excited to use them on another shoot soon!


I really enjoyed working with these two throughout their engagement and for their Los Angeles wedding photography. Amy and Erick are two incredibly talented, kind people. These are just a few of my favorites from their fall engagement photography. If you’re looking for engagement photos in OC or LA, feel free to contact me!


This family was amazing to work with! H (Mom) is a stylist for a major store, so the house, children, everything was coordinated and just gorgeous. The girls all charmed me right way, and they obviously loved each other so much. This made doing their family photos in LA a breeze. It was an in-home session because of the recent addition, and it was beautiful.


I started this skirt a couple of years ago for a photo shoot. It worked well for the shoot, I stashed it into my fabric bag, and forgot about it. But recently I messed with finishing it, and finally got it all done. Around the same time, a local LA model, Irinka, reached out to me about collaborating on some fashion photography. It was perfect timing and I really enjoyed photographing Irinka in this dress!


I love doing engagement pictures in Los Angeles. These two had a short window of time to make it work, and it happened to land on the most beautiful day in the fall. We got to meet at Chino Creek Wetlands, and then headed to the Los Angeles Water and Power building for an amazing view of the downtown skyline at night!


In between traveling from Los Angeles to Boise and a wedding, in the early hours of the morning, this family met me in the park for family photos! I loved photographing for them. The session included the two original parents, their children, a husband, child, and a girlfriend! It was awesome! They were so cooperative and fun to work with.


This couple is so beautiful together. They had their wedding at the Double Tree in Los Angeles. The hotel had a beautiful getting-ready suite and a secret spot out back with a water feature and a nice little grassy area for weddings. It was perfect. It also helps, however, that Judy and Muhanned are such a stunning couple.


I had the privilege of photographing this wedding with Kathryn Cooper, who is an AMAZING elopement and international photographer. She hired me because, obviously, she liked my work, but Stanley, Idaho, also happens to be a very familiar place. I grew up a few hours from there and visited a lot as a kid. My parents actually got married at Redfish Lake, as well (although I wasn’t there for that part, haha).


These two were a delight. Y and D hired me to photograph their wedding in Hawaii. They were both out of the country at the time, so planning was all a hectic affair. But in the end, it all came together and it was beautiful. They had their ceremony in a downtown Honolulu church. We had first look and formals at the Hilton in Honolulu. Then the reception was held at the Historic Officer’s Club on Hickam Air Force Base.


This little family makes me feel under-accomplished. Faith and her husband are restoring a 100-year-old farmhouse, raise goats, chickens, vegetables. They’ll take in most animals in need. They’re also raising two very busy young girls. So when I got a chance to photograph them all at sunset, I was very excited. They put on some dresses, brought out a blanket, and family photos started.


These two were the absolute best. Honestly, people always ask me if being a wedding photographer in Los Angeles is hard because of the brides. I’ve never had a bad experience with a couple. And I feel incredibly blessed to have brides and grooms like Amy and Erick. They’re two beautiful souls who love God and love each other. That’s my dream scenario.


This little family was such a joy to work with! Look at their new family photos!!! I met Bre through my sister and she has those delicate, doe-eyes and such a kind personality. Although I love doing family pictures in Los Angeles, the scenery around my native state is very hard to beat. This was an old country road I walked or rode many times with my horse and family.


These two are adorable! And they have a little adorable one coming soon! I’m so proud of these snowy maternity photos! When we first talked it was in the summer, and I was so excited for Brittany’s vision of a “mountain” or “camping” theme. One of the reasons I love portrait photography, and maternity photography, is the chance to explore, find new places, and adventure together.


Creating a wedding day timeline can be intimidating! This is my method for walking brides through creating a timeline! All you need to know, to start off, is the ceremony time. Then, I walk you through figuring out the rest.

FYI, most vendors want a rough timeline ASAP, but I always check back with a bride/groom closer to the wedding day. It’s normal for timelines to shift as little things get adjusted. Do not worry if you find out you’ll need to adjust the wedding timeline a little!

This is a downloadable PDF. Feel free to download, print, scribble on it, share this page, etc. I only ask that you direct people to this website, and not send your downloaded copy around. That way, it makes it easier for others to find it, as well.


This is Vanessa and Steven. I was able to take their engagement pictures towards the beginning of November at Malibu Creek State Park in Los Angeles. Vanessa wore an amazing red dress and Steven was dapper in a crisp suit with an open collar. The entire look worked very well. They were both a little nervous but you couldn’t tell it from the photos!


This was such a beautiful wedding! William Paul and Jeraldine are such beautiful people! I loved them the moment I first heard from them. Will, along with Donaji Potts of Event Professionals, planned and organized most of the wedding, and they did an amazing job together! From the decor to the little surprises to the venues. It was all so amazing. I loved being their Los Angeles wedding photographer!


This girl is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. She’s compassionate, intelligent, has an amazing eye for design and photography, and is just fun to be around. So I was very honored when she asked me to do her senior pictures. This was one of many shoots we did, for fun, as we traded the camera back and forth. Although I frequently do graduation pictures in Los Angeles, these were done back home in Idaho.


I wore a veil at my wedding. It was my mom’s, beautiful, and each of my sisters had worn it before me. But for some, the decision is more complicated. As an affordable Los Angeles wedding photographer, I’m very close to many brides on their wedding days, and I hear and see the advantages and disadvantages of a veil. So, here are a few things to think about.


Samantha and Luke have a very cute relationship. I was able to do their engagement photos up in the snow at Idaho City, and it was so much fun and some of the most gorgeous photos I’ve ever done! Sam has this an amazing amount of gorgeous blonde hair. They’ve been together for a long time, and the wedding was bound to be a gorgeous, wild party with awesome friends. And that definitely is what happened! The DJ was Soundwave Events. Chyrell, the coordinator with Sandstone, was the epic chaos wrangler, and the cakes and desserts were provided by someone I don’t know.


I love doing Christmas mini-sessions. A mini-session is basically a temporary studio where I set up in a pretty place and families/couples come to me. It’s cheaper for them, and it’s worth it for me. I love giving families and couples affordable photography, and this is one way to do it! This mini-session I set up with an amazing Idaho winery, Hell’s Canyon, last Christmas.


I loved photographing for these two. They had their wedding at Shadow Hills Event Center in Nampa, Idaho. Although I’m primarily a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I love traveling to my native state for photography. These two were a joy to work with. Herminio’s sister, Rosa, interviewed and hired me because she’s awesome and crazy and volunteered to help them with the wedding. I meet them and instantly fell in love with their vibe. The cake was by “Oh for Heaven’s Cake’s” in Nampa. Catering by a friend of the family. Shots in downtown Nampa afterwards. I used a Canon 5D Mark III with a Tamron 35mm prime lens, 50mm F1.4, and 70-200mm with a Yongnuo OCF and a videolight.


I can’t claim to be an expert. But throughout my photography career I’ve amassed a bag of tricks I use to get kids to cooperate with photos. I grew up in a large family and my mom was also a very good photographer. So I learned some from her, some from hanging with my nieces and nephews, and some from just plain old remembering what it was like to be a kid. So here’s my top advice to parents and photographers.


So this article popped up on my newsfeed, and I had a few thoughts about it. Basically, this cute couple hired a wedding photographer (unnamed) for their upcoming wedding, and when they got photos back, they were HORRIBLE. They had looked on the photographer’s instagram, and liked what they saw, but the actual product was awful. The photographer didn’t ask for a contract and they paid her $800.


Brittany and Brendan came along at a time when I was so busy. We were in the midst of a move down to Los Angeles and their wedding was the last one in Idaho. But honestly, after their engagement session, I really started looking forward to their wedding. They’re both quiet, but about half-way through their engagement session, they dropped their guard and showed such a cute side of their relationship. Every time he wanted to, Brendan was able to whisper something in her ear, and this quiet, reserved girl would dissolve into giggles. It was absolutely adorable.


Happy bride mountain elopement photography wedding photography los angeles
Click To See More from this Wedding

So, you want to elope, but don’t know how your family will react? Here’s a little advice from someone who has seen a LOT of weddings. As a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I get involved very early on in the process. And I totally understand the thought of “I want to elope.” I’ve seen the planning process and the stress of traditional, big weddings. I have had my own relatively simple traditional wedding. And I’ve photographed quite a few elopements. If you want to elope, go for it! Here are some tips for breaking it to family/friends. The photos scattered throughout this post link to real elopements I’ve photographed recently. Hopefully this article comforts your soul and helps in your journey.


Inside an artist’s chest there beats two hearts. One is weak and ugly. It is necessary, the pessimist, the one who critiques, talks finances, and picks out all the little details that aren’t correct. The other one is colorful, vibrant, relishes the colors of the sunset, and imagines up the most beautiful creations. It never thinks about something as trivial as money or food. Those things just don’t matter compared to the soul-filling joy of CREATING.


I loved doing wedding photography for this couple. Rachel is a gorgeous person, inside and out, and Dominic is handsome. They both love each other so much, and it shows in the looks they give each other. I got to do their engagement photos at Multnomah Falls, and it was so fun to be able to do their wedding photography as well. It was also a special day because I got to photograph with my Mom, Sara, who originally inspired my love of art. The two got married at Floral Hall in Everett, Washington. The venue had a getting ready room, a beautiful ceremony/reception space, and the couple brought in a mobile bar for drinks. The commercial kitchen was a beautiful space for all of the family who came together to prepare reception food. The bride made her own cake, and everything turned out so beautifully!! 


When I first met Payton and Angela, I was impressed immediately. Payton had a huge gash across the side of her face and one on her elbow to match. She had crashed on her skateboard. Awweeeessssoooommmmmeeeee. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not a girly girl, even as a Los Angeles wedding photographer. I think it helps me focus on my art. And brides who are real will always be at the top of my favorites list. Payton and Joe had their first look in the rose garden at Lakeview Park in Nampa. Then, we all trooped over to the Orton home, where I got to photograph their beautiful backyard wedding. 


Emily and Nick got married in the best way. They went on a trip up into the mountains and got married with a photographer and an officiant (who was also a part-time buffalo rancher, eeekkk!!). Emily found me on the Knot and then stalked me on Instagram and decided she wanted me to be their elopement photographer. They traveled there the night before, explored a bit, and gave me coordinates for where they wanted to do it.


My amazing friend, Abby Blossom, asked me to help her with this wedding earlier this summer! It was so beautiful and Abby did such a good job. I wanted to share some of my favorite shots. To see more of Abby’s work, head over to her website: Nick and Jessica had their wedding at the Botanical Gardens in Boise. Although I am normally a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I travel frequently and love photographing in Idaho when I have the chance! 


A couple of weekends ago I found myself driving up into the mountains and discovered a tiny ghost town. Roseberry was built in the beautiful valley near Lake Cascade. But when the railroad was built, they lost the fight for a stop, and consequently, most everyone moved on. But the town was well-maintained. And they have events there. And Brooke has dreamed of having her wedding there since she was a little girl. It was an amazing combination. Brooke is a beautiful, beautiful person, inside and out, and Chase rightly couldn’t stop looking at her. Their friends and family came together and everything turned out absolutely perfect. The photos say the rest. 


I have to say, Beside Bardenay in downtown Boise is one of my favorite places to shoot wedding photos. The light is tricky, but as a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I’m used to dealing with difficult light, and when it’s done well, it can yield extremely interesting photos. Jeff and Taylor are an amazing couple. They met working at a movie theater, years ago, and have that cute mix of friendship and romance. Throughout the day, Jeff kept looking over at Taylor, and telling everyone how hot she looked. 


I fell in love with these two. I feel like every good photographer just a little falls in love with each of their clients. As an engagement photographer in Los Angeles, I relish the chance to use nature in my portraits. And Multnomah Falls has definitely been on my photographer’s bucket list for awhile.


As a portrait photographer, I always have a running list in my head of beautiful places. And when a couple like this says, “Whatever you think is best,” this is the result. These two were so sweet and obviously loved each other deeply. Their affection wasn’t showy, but their little whispers and subtle cues showed they knew and paid attention to each other. They were a pleasure to photograph. I love doing engagement photos in nature. In the middle of this session, the wind kicked up and a storm whipped through. You can see the dust and wind in some of the ones by the lake. But they were willing to keep going, so I kept photographing. So proud of these stunning images! 


non-traditional wedding events, bohemian wedding inspiration, unique wedding traditionsSo a few weeks ago I got to photograph the most artsy, unique wedding I’ve had to date. Koye and Mitch (#koyeandmitchelitsofficial) are one of those couples who come up with non-traditional wedding inspiration. She has bright red bobbed hair, wears retro, and looks adorable doing it. Mitch is a sweet, artistic guy who just perfectly fits with Koye. One of their wedding events was a parasol parade, where they walked with their guests from the ceremony to the reception (just a 20-minute walk away). I’d never seen this before and it was so fun! We all had colorful umbrellas that protected us from the hot sun. It was also genius because it helped with parking (since we were in a downtown area). 


This little family is so gorgeous! I got to photograph them for Eagle Life, an Idaho lifestyle magazine. At first these three beautiful girls didn’t want to be photographed. But I take it as part of my job as a family photographer to try my best to get kids (both young and old) involved and happy. So they ended up participating and they are all SO CUTE!! This was the back porch of their family home. 


From the moment I first met Abby, we had a kindred spirit. She’s a photographer, a depth of a person with striking blue eyes and a smile that could choke a camel (to borrow a phrase from my dear husband). I’d been a wedding photographer for a friend of hers, actually, a cute couple named Heidi and Matt. Funny story, Abby and Zack actually met at Heidi and Matt’s house. Throughout the months before the wedding, she’s become a dear friend and I was so excited to be her wedding photographer. Zack is such a supportive, awesome guy and I was so happy they got married. 


From the moment I met Koye, I got really excited to photograph their wedding. Koye has a vibrant, artistic personality, and Mitch is a quieter teddy bear. Listening to them speak about their wedding photography, their venue, and their relationship, I was reminded of why I’ve grown to love wedding photography. They really let their personalities show throughout the wedding decor. They had a developed sense of their own style, and made choices accordingly. Koye and Mitch were such a pleasure to work with throughout the entire planning process, engagement photos, and finally, the wedding.


I love doing engagement photography for cute couples. And the thing about my idea of a cute couple is that you don’t have to be particularly attractive, young, or thin in order to be a cute couple. To be a cute couple, you have to be in love. You look at each other with that little mix of adoration and let everything else (including my presence) slip away. Be willing to look stupid and try funny things because some lady with a camera told you to. Giggle, tickle, and be ready to tell your significant other what they mean. 


This baby was so dynamic! Her different faces were hilarious! I love doing newborn photography in Los Angeles. I typically do in-home sessions because it’s easier for parents, but I also take portraits in my studio. This session brought tears to my eyes, because I photographed the parents getting engaged, their wedding, maternity photos, and now it’s come full circle and I got to photograph this little new life! 


I’ve enjoyed watching Daniel grow as an actor. Even as I’ve grown as a portrait and headshot photographer, I’ve seen him grow from a kid to disciplined young adult. Recently he’s gotten into very good shape and seems so healthy. I loved the opportunity to take some acting headshots for him right before making the trip down to Los Angeles! Congratulations on your amazing shoulder muscles, Daniel!


The thing about photos is that they don’t say a lot about the person’s soul. Their inner being. Because although this girl is beautiful on the outside, her soul is amazing. Although this started out being a hike with a friend, I have a thing for photographing redheads. So I brought an epic skirt and made her run around in the foothills at sunset in it. The varied scenery had so much to offer, and the gentle undulations of the hills are a fashion photographer’s dream.


This family was a hoot! They reminded me of why I love doing family photos in Los Angeles and Boise. Family photos are significant, because they take a sliver out of time and show us who we used to be. My mom is an amazing photographer and took a photo of us every year she could. It’s amazing to see the transformations and how we used to behave for photos. 


After a long day of wedding photography, I go home, put on my sweats, get some tea, and start going through photos. As you may know, I send couples as many pictures as soon as possible. So that typically means I’m up for a good 5-6 hours after I leave a 12 hour wedding. As I scroll through the photos, I find myself falling in love with certain photos. As they come up, I melt and remember why I love doing wedding photography.


After a heck of a time scheduling around busy wedding season, two busy teenagers, and hard-working parents, we finally had a chance to do family photos! That, in itself, is an accomplishment. Ever since I first saw this farmstead, I wanted to photograph there. THEY LIVE ON AN ISLAND. It’s a private little area you would never be able to find if you didn’t know it was there. Complete with wild fields of grass, various creatures, and a tight-knit family, this made for amazing farm family photos! 


I love photographing simple weddings. It’s one reason I still offer budget photography packages in Los Angeles. It’s a lot less pressure and sometimes you get to meet amazing, adorable couples like Brenna and Matt. These two tied the knot at Alpine Ponds Event Center. I’d never photographed there before and it’s a beautiful, unassuming location outside of Eagle. Well, it’s 2am and I’m exhausted, so going to sleep now. 🙂 


I loved photographing this little thing. There’s something about newborn photography in Los Angeles that I really love. Everything’s super quiet and low-stress. I get to know the families in their own environment and see parents interact in real life with their little ones. This family had a beautiful, mostly-empty front room with AMAZING natural light, and this giant bean bag that was perfect for the baby and for laying on. This was Emily’s second child, as you can see, so she was a confident, knowledgeable mother. She was feeding the little one when I came, and he was happy and awake for a little while, then went to sleep. Both he and his brother got the big, beautiful blue eyes of their mom, and I had a hard time not photographing them more than the new little one. 


Although I’ve never gotten this question from a client, a lot of other photographers tell me I should raise my prices. My prices are still considered cheap wedding photography in Los Angeles. I like to consider myself an affordable wedding photographer in Los Angeles and Boise. Although I have more expensive packages, I still keep one that is just enough for the time I spend working the wedding. Compared to a lot of GOOD wedding photographers, it’s very affordable. If you want to know why wedding photography costs so much, head over to this blog. So, here’s why I keep a low-cost wedding photography package in my prices.


So it seems like I met these two ages ago. We went on a grand adventure taking beautiful engagement photos in the mountains, and then met periodically until their wedding, which was last weekend. These two are so beautiful together. They obviously love each other so much and were ready to be married. Everyone was amazing at the wedding and we got family photos done in record time. It was beautiful. 


So I’ve known this beautiful soul since we were kids. In an attempt to be a semi-normal friend, we decided to hang out. But in typical Mercy fashion, I wanted to photograph her. There’s something special about adventuring with someone and taking their photo. You get to see different sides of them. It gives you something to do and talk about as you wander around and re-acquaint yourselves with each other.


So this year, I was determined to get a few sessions when the orchards were in full bloom. Most people think of these gorgeous pink blossoms as cherry blossoms, but these are actually peaches. They’re pink now, then they turn purple and the leaves start to grow. This cute couple contacted me and soon revealed that they had just been engaged and were looking for engagement photography in the Boise area. Immediately thinking of the orchard blossoms, we booked and agreed to meet at Hell’s Canyon Winery out near Caldwell. I grew up in that area and knew the area was in full bloom. The weather cooperated (despite threatening rain all day) and the photos turned out amazing! 


Everyone wants to wear cowgirl boots. Nobody wants to wake up at 6am to break the ice on the trough. I love capturing daily life in photography. In a way, it’s a form of unique family photos. More accurate photos. I love giving people memories that they can look back on later and see, “oh yeah! Life was like that!” It gives us perspective, and helps us remember how far we’ve come. That’s why it’s been on my list for awhile to go out and capture morning chores with my big sister, Faith. She and I have always been close. We were the teammates who conquered the outside chores. She was just a little over a year older than me, and we had similar interests in many ways. 


Hello amazing person! So, as a wedding photographer in Los Angeles and Boise, I get asked a lot of different questions. But a lot of times, people don’t know what to ask. So here are a few suggested topics/questions for a wedding photographer. Before you even sit down to chat with them, however, make sure you’ve looked at their portfolio and reviews carefully. Look for examples of weddings or venues similar to yours. If you’re a bigger person, make sure they’ve photographed people like you before. If you’re of unique racial background, look for people with similar skin tones or style in the portfolio. For tips on spotting an amateur photographer, read this


So… we got a Dodge Ram Promaster van awhile back and were planning on putting a bed and compartments in it for when we travel for film and photo shoots. After looking at dozens of different options, I decided I could do it myself. So these are some pictures of our Dodge Ram Promaster van conversion. Details about the conversion are down below, as well! 


So although I’m categorizing this as an engagement shoot, it was actually an anniversary shoot. These two have been married TEN YEARS. I couldn’t believe it when they told me. They both look incredible and are so in love. They are adorable. As a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I see a lot of couples in the prime of their “in-love” life. But I rarely see what happens after the last bit of cake has been eaten, the last good-bye said. I absolutely loved getting to capture these two lovebirds ten years after their wedding. People, do anniversary pictures, at least every ten years! It can show you that you’re still in love with each other! 


So after the van conversion, Matt and I went on a trip down the California coast. We were really relaxed with our route and schedule, since we just had to find a space to park every night and our food/shelter was right there. 🙂 It was super fun and I LOVED stopping wherever we wanted to take photos. As a professional Los Angeles lifestyle photographer, I sometimes don’t have a chance to really take pictures of whatever I want. So this was super fun! We also took our two Border Collie dogs, Sam and Sherlock. They traveled so easily, just looking out the windows, chasing the frisbee when we found a park, and just hanging out with us. The beach photos were taken at the Gold Bluffs Beach Campground and the others were taken at various places along the coast.


Normally during a wedding there’s time set aside to take posed “looking-at-the-camera” family and bridal party photos. While bridal party photos are usually really straight-forward, family photos can be an organizing mess. So here are a few things we can do ahead of time to make picture time go fast on your wedding day!


I loved reading The Call of the Wild by Jack London, and recently I used it while teaching my design class as a project for laying out books. Mine turned out really cute so I thought some of you might like to have it. It’s a free ebook formatted so it’s easy to read on your phone! Download to your heart’s content! The book is in the public domain, feel free to link to this page, please just don’t say the design is yours! 🙂


These two were so much fun! We went up to Idaho City one cold (but sunny) day to do engagement pictures in the mountains. I’m always up to photograph adorable couples in the mountains. As an Idaho engagement photographer, I love using the available nature as a backdrop, and Idaho is the perfect place for it. This was only about an hour outside of Boise. Although the icy roads slightly scared me, and there’s no phone service for a good portion of the trip, it’s all worth it, as you can see from these photos! 


On a typical Idaho day in February (i.e. snow one minute, sunshine 5 minutes later), family and friends assembled to witness the union of Kelsey and Jake. This is also the first time I shot with Abby Blossom, another amazing Idaho photographer who is getting into weddings! The day was such an adventure, but all throughout it, Kelsey showed an amazing amount of patience and calm. The weather was absolute haywire. But we got some amazing photos early in the day, and the rest of the day we let the weather run its course!


Originally, these two were going to have an all-out wedding later in the year, but couldn’t wait. So they had an intimate wedding a few weeks ago. It’s been on my photographer’s bucket list to photograph a small mountain wedding. It was simple, easy, and beautiful!! They got married at a courthouse in Boise, then met me at the Capitol building for a few romantic shots. Then we all caravaned up to the parents’ cabin in the mountains for a reception with their friends and family. 


Hey Everyone! So a little bit ago, I was approached by an international friend who is getting married to a man on the other side of the world. The catch? They only had ONE photo of them together. So I came up with this free save the date design. It lets you use a low-quality image and actually looks decent. It’s kind of a retro pop-art look Polaroid design. Most Save the Date templates look AMAZING when you have a really good photo (which I always recommend, haha), but sometimes don’t work in the off-situation you can’t get a good photo.


These two were so adorable and happy on their wedding day! I was honored to be their wedding photographer in Boise, Idaho a couple of Saturdays ago! They met doing ministry together and they were so happy to be getting married. Their joyful presence was so easy to photograph. I’d always much rather photograph authentic joy than perfection. These two were both.


So Frances and I met when she was looking for videography for her upcoming wedding. I had immediate love and respect for her because… well, she’s just awesome. And then Matt and I did the wedding, met her husband Nate, and their family and friends. We still talk about this couple. And they’ve come back to me year after year for family photos. They’re so cute together and this little human they made is just adorable. I did these Christmas pictures for them this Christmas in a cute little area in downtown. 


I love this family. I’ve done family photography for them a couple of times before and I always love seeing them. And this Santa couple is absolutely AMAZING! I met them at a fund-raising event and they are so authentic, kind, and heartwarming. You can tell from the pictures that baby Troy loved his first visit with Santa. Afterwards, we did a family photo session with just him and his brother. They’re always so good together. So many things came together perfectly for this to happen. John and Janelle had a free night, The Ambrose School said it would be totally fine, and I was available. Thanks to all who made this possible, the results will be treasured for years to come. 


So I was shopping around for gifts the other day and stumbled across some interesting vintage, industrial-style camera wall decor. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but I loved the idea. I did a little digging and found the original patents for a bunch of old camera stuff. A couple of them are really interesting! Just seeing the inner workings of some of the really old cameras gives me some insight into modern technology. So this is my set of free vintage camera wall decor! Feel free to download and print them wherever you want! If you want to share them, feel free, just please link them back to my site instead of uploading them somewhere else, please!

And since I was going to do it anyway, I thought I’d share it for free for anyone who would use it. The original size it’s meant for is an 8″x10″, but I’d imagine it could go significantly bigger if you wanted. It’s fairly high resolution. I print my canvases or prints at Walgreens, I’ve had people do it at Costco, etc. If you can wait for a sale, you can usually get them for fairly cheap.


Vintage Camera Wall Art Preview

Do NOT try to download these, they’re low resolution. Please download the .zip file above. 🙂


I’m a big fan of thank you gifts. If you’re looking for a good bridesmaid gift, check these out:

One of the things (besides robes) that I see most often used on a wedding day is a wine or water glass. The problem, however, is that everyone gets them mixed up. Or they fall and last only as long as the getting ready party. This is a thermos-style, personalized wine glass that is under $25. It’s super cute and perfect for everyone to use on the actual wedding day.

This one is from They have a ton of other cute ideas, everything you need to thank the ladies who spend a lot of time and money to help make your day!


This newborn photography session was amazing and significant in so many ways. I loved seeing the love and adoration poured upon this little girl. I pray the years coming bless this little family and the devotion I see in their eyes, for each other and for this newborn girl. This was an in-home newborn photography session in Boise. I love doing in-home newborn sessions because it’s a lot less work for the parents and looking back on the photos reminds you of the entire world that surrounded the entrance of this new life. A lot of times, our memories are charged with tiny elements that aren’t just faces.


When I woke up in the morning and rain was pouring down, I was a little concerned for Vicki and Tim’s Boise wedding photography. Boise usually isn’t rainy, and they had said they were having it at Barber Park. Concerned and going over solutions in my head, I drove to the address on my GPS. When I got there, I discovered a whole new building in the park that I had never seen before and sure enough, the wedding was there! Barber Park has an event center, everyone! It’s a beautiful little building, perfect for weddings, and big windows let the outdoors come in without the inconvenient parts (like the rain). 


Coolant is about a couple who gets stuck on the side of the road. They have to learn to work together to get out of the sticky situation. These were a few of the behind-the-scenes pictures from this weekend! Thanks to everyone who made this possible! Ronn, Dana, Joe, Audrey and her mom, Abe and his mom and sister, Riley, Bryce, Eddie, Faith, Scott, and Talia! You were all awesome!! Matt and I couldn’t have done it without you!


These two were so much fun! I knew from the moment I met them that I would love taking their engagement pictures in Boise. They both harbor this aura of funky charm. Her choice of clothing and accessories was artsy. His beard tickled her when they hugged. Their ideas for their engagement pictures inspired me. And the final results were AMAZING. Thank you, Koye and Mitch!


I love these two. I’ve never had so much fun doing senior pictures in Nampa. But, of course, it’s not quite fair because I’ve known these two for quite a few years and always love a good excuse to hang out with them. We ran all around Nampa and downtown, goofing off and getting amazing pictures. They had a few ideas they wanted to accomplish, we hit a coffee shop first, then ran around doing different things based loosely on some ideas they had. 


I’m always extra honored when people we know ask us to photograph their wedding. In this case, Matt had known Liberty since his high school days, and we had both met Daniel at Sarah and Jacob’s wedding. So we were so excited to be their Meridian wedding photographers. They got married in Meridian at the Valley Shepherd Church. It’s a beautiful, classic building with traditional arches and stained glass. The families were kind and considerate, and the entire event was a perfect mix of perfection and fun. 


I love this picture because it’s you. In all the messy smiles and shy eyes, it’s you. And you’re beautiful. Not like a supermodel. Like a you. In all the unique ways and little gold nuggets in your heart. It’s you. And I love you. Not just when you’re perfectly fashionable and gorgeous, but also when you’re messy and your makeup is old. Because that’s how I know you. I love this picture because it’s you.


I did this family photography session awhile back while I was switching websites and forgot to post these AMAZING photos. Ami and Andy, one of my favorite couples to photograph, referred these two to me. They just had their first little baby and needed photos of them and this new little life. So we met at the Train Depot and took some beautiful first photos of this adorable little family. There was lots of laughter and all the feels of a new family. I love doing family photography in Los Angeles.


Being a wedding photographer in Boise is not always easy. But Ami and Jonathan were awesome and planned everything out so well! Ami is an amazing, bright person and their friends reflected their personalities, both individually and as a couple. The wedding was held at Sandstone Vineyards in Star, Idaho. Everyone got ready at the Downtown Marriot in Boise. The gorgeous dress was created by Baby Doll Shop. Hair by Ariana O’Leary, makeup by Alyssa, ring by Precious Metal Arts. Working with all these amazing people, particularly Chyrell Debenham (the Day of Coordinator) was such a pleasure. Vince with VCI Wedding DJ’s was also very helpful and working together with these two was an amazing experience. Congratulations you two! It’s super obvious that you love each other a lot, I’m glad you’re married. 🙂 


So I’ve made several wedding albums over the years. I have a feeling my best is yet to come. But THIS was so fun to make! I like to integrate and include things that are usually left behind or forgotten. A big part of that is photographing everything, but another part is putting together the album in such a way that you remember those little, cute, romantic details. With this one, I noticed a LOT of people were commenting and wishing the couple well on FaceBook. So I took that into consideration when making the album and tried to include some of those comments and people that would ordinarily be lost. 


Although wedding planning is always hectic, these two had a lot of extra challenges on their plates. However, the actual wedding was beautiful and doing wedding photography for them was easy (and more relaxing than any other wedding this year). Ashlee’s princess gown was easy to photograph, and they obviously loved each other. Doing their wedding photos in Mountain Home was interesting, since I’ve actually only been out there a few times. But it worked out and we ended up with some beautiful images. All the best to you two!


I’m on my way out the door for a long day of shooting in the hot Idaho sun, but I was doing some last minute notes and edits for a wedding client. Then I thought, “Oh! Other people might want to know this.” Non-photography people rarely think about color correction or the work that goes into a photo AFTER it is taken. But a lot of the unique style of a particular photographer depends on their skill in Lightroom or Photoshop. So here, I’m going to cover three popular editing techniques. Most experienced photographers have a style they use dominantly. So if you’re looking for a wedding photographer in LA or anywhere else, make sure he or she likes the same style that you do.


As an Idaho wedding photographer, one of the things I do is look around, try to learn from others, and figure out people I can recommend if I can’t do a wedding. There are a lot of bad photographers in Boise, Idaho, even if they are cheap. It drives me crazy when people advertise themselves as wedding photographers, and then don’t take their job seriously enough to do good work. A wedding is the most important day in a person’s life, and although it’s a stressful job, wedding photography is a hugely important part of that! A wedding photographer is recording what you’ll remember forever. A bad photographer will come out with mediocre photos you don’t care to hang. A good one will help you remember all the best and brightest things and will show your love as worthy of art.


Hope House Camping | North Idaho Portrait Photography

One of the things I love to do is mentor young photographers. Matt and I work with a children’s home called Hope House. We do portrait photography, web work, teaching design, and helping with tech. This past week we went camping with them. It was an amazing opportunity to be a positive influence, talk about their future, and just relax and play games with them. These are some of my favorite shots from the trip. A few of these were even taken by one of my apprentices, Ali!


These two were so sweet and easy to photograph! They were referred to my by another client for wedding photography in Star, Idaho last summer. We have a ton of mutual friends and instantly hit it off. Emma is one of those people that you can meet, then 5 minutes later feel like you’ve known each other in a past life. I’m so proud to show off these beautiful images. There were so many from their wedding that have become some of my favorite wedding pictures of all time.


These two were one of my first jobs doing wedding photography. I loved creating their wedding album. This is a satin-feel, full-image wrap cover with lay-flat interior pages. I’ve experimented a lot with different papers, cover styles, and cost balance, and this is one of my favorites. It’s 8.5″x11″, so it fits on a shelf with most larger books, but it feels special with the very soft cover and the lay-flat pages. For the interior, I focused on telling the story of the day through visuals. I included their wedding invitation design, their vows, and some lyrics from their song. I also styled it patriotic/country because that was the theme of their wedding.


Along with wedding photography in Boise, I also work as a freelancer in design and development. I’ve done everything: product labels, posters, brochures, logos, mockups, infographics, UI design, buttons, websites, etc. I even designed a reusable bag for Walmart. But freelancing online offers some unique challenges.

In real life, I’ve met freelance clients a total of twice. The vast majority of communication happens online, most of the time through email or chat. This has, at times, been very successful, and then sometimes we slip up over each other and fail. So, learning from my best projects, these are some tips I’ve picked up over the years.

Over-communication is better than under-communication.

One-word responses, one-sentence project descriptions, and waiting a week for any sort of response is writing a death warrant for your project. These usually happen in two different scenarios:

  1. The client doesn’t really know what they want. Maybe they think they’ll know it when they see it or they just don’t know the words to say.
  2. The client doesn’t have time for this project or doesn’t really want to do it.

Both of these scenarios mean that the freelancer either has to drag some sort of direction out of you, or they have to take shots in the dark until they hit something. Both of things things take a lot of extra time, which delays the project and frustrates both of you.

How to fix it.

Most freelancers are used to working with various degrees of experience, from the amateur startup owner to international CEOs. We will not laugh at you if you say you want to be just like Nike (okay, we might laugh, but it’s good-natured and we’ll at least know what you mean). I also love it when clients admit they honestly don’t know what they’re doing and ask for my best judgement on designs.

If you’re inexperienced, just get a good, experienced designer. They’ll usually steer you the right way. For example, I’ve worked with dozens of startups over the years. My favorite words to hear are: “I’m going to let you use your creative judgement for this one.” That means I can do what I think is best, based on the brand and intended target audience. Some of my favorite designs ever have come out of a client letting me use my best judgement.

If you really do have something in mind, communicating that is VITAL to getting a good result. Sketch it out, send examples of similar things with notes, ANYTHING. Put together a mess of words that describe what you want it to feel like. ANYTHING. I will not laugh at your messy sketches, I will not say you’re plagiarizing (unless you tell me you want something duplicated EXACTLY and it’s not yours, haha).

Timely Responses.

Another thing that leads to project death is slow responses (on both ends). Both of us have lives outside of the project. We both have other projects on our plates. So when we’re waiting for days with no response to a simple question, the silence can be deathly.

How to fix it.

I used to laugh at fellow freelancers who were neurotic about responding to emails, chats, and texts. Now I’m one of them. During business hours, I always have notifications on for clients, and I do my best to respond within a couple of hours. This makes projects go much quicker and smoother.

Honest, Kind communication.

Most people today could benefit from remembering this. Honest, gentle communication is key to a finished product that you both like. I take my work very seriously, it’s an art form for me. Although I’ve developed a thick skin for criticism, I absolutely melt when clients take the time and effort to give honest, sensitive feedback. Mostly, it’s taking the time to tell me what they like AND what they don’t like about a particular design. “I love the curve of that line and the font, but I don’t like this color.” I think the rule is two compliments for every criticism? Something like that.

If you want to throw a good, caring designer into a heart attack, just tell them you hate it all. The only time I’ve ever walked away from a project was when a client told me that. We were almost done with the project, he hadn’t said anything along the way. I had done what he asked (although his product sucked) and thought he was joking when he said he hated it all and I had to start over. So I quit. I didn’t want to deal with that type of attitude, and I was already booked for other projects in the next week.

For more advice on client/freelancer communication, there’s this great article on Toptal, a high-quality freelancing website.

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