
Nina Senicar Acting Lifestyle Headshots Los Angeles

Courtney and Ambika | Headshot Photography Pasadena

Rachel | Blogger Lifestyle Headshots Burbank CA

Ali | Graduation Pictures Los Angeles

Moses | Burbank Acting Headshots
Moses is a great guy, an aspiring drama/comic actor. I did his Los Angeles acting headshots in my neighborhood in Burbank. We used a combination of natural light paired with flashes. We used a shallow depth of field and a natural background that was easy to set up and flexible.

Kat | Modeling Headshots Los Angeles
Kat is such a beautiful person, inside and out. I loved this opportunity to give her some new modeling headshots. We did these in a local studio with a simple, dark background.

Daniel | Acting Headshots Los Angeles
I’ve enjoyed watching Daniel grow as an actor. Even as I’ve grown as a portrait and headshot photographer, I’ve seen him grow from a kid to disciplined young adult. Recently he’s gotten into very good shape and seems so healthy. I loved the opportunity to take some acting headshots for him right before making the trip down to Los Angeles! Congratulations on your amazing shoulder muscles, Daniel!

Hannah the Scottish Princess | Fashion Lifestyle Fashion Photography Los Angeles
The thing about photos is that they don’t say a lot about the person’s soul. Their inner being. Because although this girl is beautiful on the outside, her soul is amazing. Although this started out being a hike with a friend, I have a thing for photographing redheads. So I brought an epic skirt and made her run around in the foothills at sunset in it. The varied scenery had so much to offer, and the gentle undulations of the hills are a fashion photographer’s dream.