
Janika + Kenneth Venice Beach Elopement Photography | Los Angeles Wedding Photography

Liz + Kyle | El Matador Beach Engagement Photos

Emilee + Mike | El Matador Beach Engagement Photography

Tram + Kenneth | Carbon Canyon Regional Park Engagement Photography
This is an amazing young couple. I was able to photograph their family over a year ago, and when these two got engaged they asked me to photograph their wedding and engagement photos!

Israel + Esmerelda | Yosemite Wedding Photography
These two love each other. Yosemite was in full fall bloom when these two tied the knot. I love being a Yosemite wedding photographer because I get to wander around in all of Yosemite’s moods. And I get to photograph couples on one of the most important days of their lives.

Marie + Lane | Yosemite Elopement Photography

Jackson + Sammi Surprise Engagement Yosemite National Park
I love helping plan surprise proposals in Yosemite National Park. Jackson contacted me about it months before, and we set up a plan. Originally, we were going to meet at Glacier Point at sunrise. I was going to be photographing my dog or my husband and just happen to turn my camera at the right moment. Unfortunately, Glacier closed early that year due to weather. I was on my way up there and we agreed to meet at Tunnel View instead. He sent me photos of the two of them so I could recognize them. I advised them on and out-of-the-way spot we could get away from the crowds. On the day of, it was going past their time and I didn’t see them. So I went down to the main area to find them. Jackson instantly recognized me and “happened” to ask about an “out-of-the-way, secluded spot” where they could watch the sunrise. So, still pretending to be a random person, I offered to take them up to my favorite spot. While we clambered over spots, I asked if I could take their photo. When we got to the spot, I set it up so she turned away, then when she turned back around, Jackson was down on one knee. She was so surprised!!

Ani Family | Family Photos Carbon Canyon Regional Park
I love doing family photos in LA, especially at Carbon Canyon. I love the challenge of bringing kids out of their shell. Carbon Canyon is really fun because there’s some walking involved, so the kids had something to do. It was kind of a cloudy morning, but it ended up being really beautiful!

Sarah + David | LA Arboretum Engagement Photography
We got off onto a rocky start here because the Arboretum was closing for their light show (and apparently don’t allow hangers ???), but these two were troopers! We regrouped and went forward with it! Sarah wore a beautiful, chic blush dress, and David wore complimentary semi-formal clothes. I met Sarah on a film shoot! She and I were two of the only girls on set and I was instantly attracted to her vibe. I was so honored when they asked me to do their LA engagement photos!