
How to Tell My Family I Want to Elope | Advice from a Los Angeles Wedding Photographer

So, you want to elope, but don’t know how your family will react? Here’s a little advice from someone who has seen a LOT of weddings. As a Los Angeles wedding photographer, I get involved very early on in the process. And I totally understand the thought of “I want to elope.” I’ve seen the planning process and the stress of traditional, big weddings. I have had my own relatively simple traditional wedding. And I’ve photographed quite a few elopements. If you want to elope, go for it! Here are some tips for breaking it to family/friends. The photos scattered throughout this post link to real elopements I’ve photographed recently. Hopefully this article comforts your soul and helps in your journey.

Gabrielle + Travis
Inside an artist’s chest there beats two hearts. One is weak and ugly. It is necessary, the pessimist, the one who critiques, talks finances, and picks out all the little details that aren’t correct. The other one is colorful, vibrant, relishes the colors of the sunset, and imagines up the most beautiful creations. It never thinks about something as trivial as money or food. Those things just don’t matter compared to the soul-filling joy of CREATING.

Payton + Joe’s Backyard Wedding | Los Angeles Wedding Photographer

Emily + Nick’s Mountain Elopement | Los Angeles Elopement Photography

Nick + Jessica | Abby Blossom Photography

Brooke + Chase | Roseberry Barn, Donnelly Idaho Photographer

Jeff and Taylor are MARRIED!

Katie + Alex | Boise Train Depot Wedding Photography
Ceremony: Good Shepherd Lutheran
Reception: Boise Train Depot